Coronavirus Update
21st May 2020
Due to the covid-19 restrictions we are currently closed and do not expect to reopen until early July.
We are happy to take bookings now for dates starting around mid July. We will take a deposit on booking but in the event that the lockdown is not eased up to your date of arrival we will of course refund your payment in full.
We are ready here now for reopening whenever that will be and the site is looking good and fresh!
On reopening we will be following government social distancing guidelines and instigating a much more rigorous cleaning regime. The beauty of Bush Farm is that we have a large open area but with a lower density of camper numbers making things a lot easier and safer. Only members of the Camping and Caravanning Club will be able to book, we will have a limit on people numbers on site, and we regret that visitors and friends will not be permitted on site to visit campers pitches.
Looking forward to welcoming you soon. Stay safe!